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New Updated Version!!! This is a new, updated, version of the classic, SDS Labs, Dynaco ST-70 Capacitor board. We have upped the capacitance to over 500uF @ 500V (Increases capacitance from original 30-20-20-20 to 40-195-135-135) while at the same time shrinking the board to make it fit into the chassis more comfortably. The board still replaces all bias supply components and we have also added 0.1uF metallized polypropylene bypass capacitors onto the board. There are no more surface mount resistors as used on the old boards, instead we have standard axial metal film resistors that are easy to mount and solder in place. There is also a cutout on the back of the board to make clearance for using binding posts in the amplifier rather than the original screw terminal strips. The board is a high quality .062 FR4 2oz Copper with plated through holes which allow you to solder/resolder connections with the board already mounted in place. Now with clearer and more detailed instructions. You can also order just the board (see drop down menu).
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